My Imperfect Life: It Ain’t Easy Being Me.

file0001179129151Strange things just seem to happen to me.

Not crazy strange, certainly not life altering strange.  Just strange. Like the things that happen to me in everyday life just don’t seem to happen to other people.  Maybe they do, and they just don’t mention them…..I’m never quite sure. And I’m usually reluctant to ask because then people kind of look at me in that funny way, you know the look.  Oh…you don’t know that look?  Nevermind.  Sometimes I feel like a grown up (although I know an awful lot of people who know me would argue that statement)  feminine version of Charlie Brown. I just sort of stumble through my days, and when I get home from the end of the workday without something dropping out of the sky on me, I consider that its really been a pretty wonderful day. Maybe I shouldn’t have mentioned that. I do have to leave the house tomorrow.

Today was one of my “technology” days. No matter what, nothing I tried to do with anything even remotely electronic was being co-operative.broken-153601_1280 Its a good thing I  don’t drive an electronic vehicle. I can only imagine the carnage. Sort of like a real life version of Stephen Kings “Overdrive” but with someone along for the ride-wide eyed and disbelieving for the entire trip, but completely unable to do anything to stop what has been put in motion.

Actually, it was mostly ok until I got home from being out all day. It was a busy day for me, and all I could think of was relaxing on my well-sprung couch on my butt, watching my beloved hockey team kick some serious ass. Its been a pretty long road for my boys, and I kind of think that this year may just be their year.Or maybe at least this year can be the prelude to their actual year, which would make their year next year, not this year.Um..or something like that. I’d just like them to have a year where people don’t sneer when you mention their names.


It all started when I was still out of the house and wanted The Boy to make sure the hockey game was being PVR’d so I could chill with a bevvie(ok, you know I seldom stop at one. Its like potato chips)  and enjoy the game when I made it home. The Boy assured me that the game was on the PVR(even though I’d gone into arrest mode when I heard the game was delayed and I just KNEW that stupid PVR didn’t know it was delayed). “Check the TV listings” I said, ” and just record the actual game please.”   “I can’t find the game,” The Boy said. “But its already been taped on the PVR so I think its ok.”  So..ok. Maybe the game wasn’t delayed by that much.

I got back to my Favorite Place in the Whole World (my house, duh) and changed into my super duper neon technicolor fuzzy leopard print loungewear ( I may post a picture just for giggles), grabbed a beer, and prepared to sit down to watch a little PVR’d nirvana.  This was a great game-plan until the beginning of the second period when the PVR just….stopped. Along with my heart. Alright, so that’s an exaggeration, but I was rather enjoying watching The Team putting the boots to Those Other Guys. I was right. It stopped recording when the game was SUPPOSED to have ended. Because PVR’s are stupid, and you have to tell them what to do. I could take this on a whole other tangent right now, but I won’t.  Have another beer.

Alright. No big deal. In a great big perfect grown up world, this is not a problem. HOWEVER, I need to be able to watch The Team, because they’re doing pretty damned well right now, even just a few games into the season, and I’m simply burning to watch every single game in case something makes them go crazy and start losing and I want to bask in the glory while I can and  because mostly I have no life. Whoops. I didn’t mean to mention any of that.

So then I think it must be streaming somewhere, right?  I know I can watch it on my phone (seriously?) but surely its online somewhere else as well. Of course it is. My TV has an app for that. So I go to my App, and I get a code that I have to enter into my laptop on a site to be able to stream the game on  my TV so that the players on The Team don’t look like little tiny ants chasing around a little tiny dot with little tiny toothpicks and I don’t make my nearsightedness even worse by trying to focus on that.

So I have to go through the app my internet provider has, which can have a tendency to suck sometimes (not naming any names, but it rhymes with Telus. Wait a minute. Nothing rhymes with Telus. Whoopsie. )  Except file391291214178that my password is useless, because no matter how many times I enter it, it doesn’t work. Ok.Forgot password. Fix that. Re-register and pick a different password. That one won’t work either, at least not to watch the game. It does, however, work for the rest of the site-except the part to stream the app. Have another beer.

Try to log to a different app on the TV itself, but I get to where I need to be and the screen just freezes. Oh well, at least my password works. Ok. Go into settings on the TV to see what else I can do and find out somehow the TV is not connected to the internet. Fix that. Reconnect. Try the app again. Now my account is locked because I’ve entered the wrong password too many times. Drink the beer I just opened faster so I can have another beer.


Went and got my SuperCool Samsung Galaxy Tab E (thank you Santa) and figure out how to play the game from there, and make it show up my TV. HOORAY!  GO TEAM GO! The Super CoolSamsung Galaxy Tab E  dies just as The Team makes a rush to the net to take a shot. Grind teeth and refrain from picking up SuperCool Samsung Galaxy Tab E and pitching it at the TV. Start shotgunning whats left of the beer.

I did eventually get everything working in sync, and got to watch the rest of the game, and yes, The Team won. It was a great game. Even if it did take me five hours to see it all.

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